Third Party Information Privacy Notice (the Notice)
For the purposes of this document “Third Party” includes all parties external to Tafari Capital Pty Ltd (“Tafari”) and all its Subsidiaries including Tafari Financial Services Pty Ltd, whether a juristic entity or a natural person supplying a product or service to Tafari because of a formalised agreement, including but not limited to contractors, vendors, suppliers, and partners.
Note: “You” means you the reader, reading this document in your capacity as an authorised representative of your company, the Third Party or as a natural person providing a product or service.
The Third-Party Information Privacy Notice explains how Tafari Processes your Personal Information, as is required by the Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”). Tafari is committed to protecting Third-Party information and to ensure that your Personal Information is Processed in accordance with the 8 (eight) conditions of lawful processing set out in POPIA).
To whom does this Notice apply?
All prospective, existing, and former Tafari Third Parties, during and after contracting with Tafari SA including Third- Parties’ consultants and staff members.
Who we are (Tafari )
Tafari refers to Tafari Capital Proprietary Limited, registration number 2015/091930/07, situated at 1st Floor Fortune Kuene House, 261 Oxford Road Illovo. Tafari is a limited liability private company duly incorporated in the Republic of South Africa. Tafari will be registered to process your Personal Information with the Information Regulator’s office.